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A creative by day (with a little coffee) and a creative by night. You can find me at my desk either writing, illustrating, or producing music. These are my passions and the reason my workstation takes up 50% of my room. 





My Life

I'm a huge music lover and a die-hard soccer fan. My Spotify is running all day, all night (yes, even when I sleep) and if there's a game on—I'm probably watching it. 


I also like to carry around a small sketchbook for when doodle inspiration strikes. 




My Work

I'm a Cal State Fullerton grad with a BA in Advertising. I've spent my career working as a copywriter both in-house and at agencies around California. I love to inject humor and word play into my work and I'm always looking for the write opportunity. See what I did there? 


I also love to illustrate and produce my own music as a hobby. 



If you made it this far—you get to send a virtual head scratch to my dog, Jef. 

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