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  • Robert Canales

Your Perfect OPI Nail Color—According to Your Horoscope

Not sure which nail color is totally you? Just look to your star sign to reveal all! Take your horoscope a little further and find out which OPI nail color screams YOU.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

You thrive on independence and love to march to the beat of your own drum. You’re an honest and loyal individual and as a result may become attached to your favorite colors. Don’t let that stop you from letting your originality shine with a color as awesome as you. Color: CIA Color is Awesome by OPI



Feb 20 – Mar 20

Your kind and compassionate nature shows itself in your personal style. Find a soft color that’ll complement your sweetness and wear it proudly. Intuitive and wise, you know a quiet statement is just as impactful as something loud. Color: Sweet Heart by OPI



March 21 – Apr 20

An adventurous color to match your adventurous spirit. You ooze confidence and energy—and you’re sure to show it. You’re bound to turn heads, so let your nails be the first thing they see. Color: by OPI



Apr 21 – May 21

A warm color for a warmhearted person. You need a color that’ll show others your loving side and always-there-for-a-friend reliability. After that, just go with flow. Color: Go with the Lava Flow by OPI



May 22 – June 21

You’re versatile and can pull off the colors nobody else can. Your youthful personality shines with bright colors that are as lively as you. Plus, it’s no secret how much you love your manicures. Color: I Believe in Manicures by OPI



June 22 – July 22

You’re passionate with enough bold imagination to bring the best colors to life. Add a dash of your trademark creativity and you’re sure to nail it! Whatever the color, it’s gonna be as hot as you. Color: Hot Spicy by OPI



July 23 – Aug 21

You let your creativity shine through your sense of color. As an open-minded individual, you’re gonna pull off any color your heart desires. Others will be green with envy. Color: Gargantuan Green Grape by OPI



Aug 22 – Sep 23

You’re modest and shy, but still not afraid of a splash of color. And when we say a splash of color, we mean the perfect color. You are a perfectionist after all. Color: Purpletual Emotion by OPI



Sep 24 – Oct 23

You’re the romantic type and ready to show it. Your easy-going and sociable personality will have anyone enamored with you…and your nails too. Color: Kiss Me by OPI



Oct 24 – Nov 22

Your personality is exciting and magnetic. Your nails are too. You’re the life of every party with your infectious smile and unquestionable taste in nails. So pinkies up and let color shine! Color: So Elegant by OPI



Nov 23 – Dec 22

You’re a free-loving spirit who loves a color that gives you the freedom to wear whatever you please. Whether you’re out on the town or off on an adventure, your nail color won’t hold you back. You’re gonna make it work regardless. Color: Can’t Tame a Wild Thing by OPI



Dec 23 – Jan 20

You’re practical but that won’t stop you from enjoying some color. You like your colors to be as smooth and sincere as you. And nothing beats an always-in-style shade that works year round for Capricorns. Color: Tiramisu for Two by OPI


So there you have it—your true-to-you nail color according to your star sign. Tell us what yours is in the comments below!

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